
Monday, October 12, 2015

Play: Our Friso Experience

We spent most of the past week being cooped up at home, thanks to the haze. While the PM2.5 levels seemed to be lower than the previous week, we decided to play it safe and stayed indoors whenever the AQI was above 100, as the older two have very sensitive airways. 

The kids did get quite restless while staying home. It was understandable, considering that they were used to having outdoor time everyday. On most weekends, we spend our time as a family exploring parks or playgrounds, so it was quite trying having to stay in. We did try various art and sensory activities, but they were just bouncing off the walls! So when Friso sent over this playset, I breathed a huge sigh of relief, and promptly set up the slide and grass mat for them at home:

They had so much fun with it, and spent almost an hour running up and down, climbing and sliding, climbing and sliding yet again! They have yet to tire of having a slide at home, and have been using it every day, both as a slide for themselves, and as a ramp for their stuffed toys and cars. 

I set up the tent for them on another day. (I thought it would be best to spread out the activities since I didn't know how long we were going to be stuck home!) I'm no girl scout, but the tent proved to be easy to set up, requiring you to just connect the 4 poles together and slot them into the tent fabric.

You just need to prop up the tent, and secure the top part of the poles with the strings, and you're all done:

They had lots of fun playing camping, and got all their animals involved. They had picnics. They pretended to sleep in the tent. I wanted to play too, but they chased me out saying "no adults allowed!". So all I got to do was to provide food and water for their picnics. They later decided I was going to be the big bad wolf, and they all hid inside the tent away from me. At least they did enjoy having a tent at home!

The play set came at the most opportune time, since I was running out of ideas for playtime at home during this hazy period! I'm glad that Friso is currently having this "Experience More Together" campaign, to bring the outdoors in, encourage creative play and foster parent-child relationships. If you're interested, you can redeem this Friso Experience play set worth $300 (consisting of a tent, faux grass mat, slide with basketball hoop, storage box, and 2 cushions), by purchasing $350 worth of participating Friso products. Redemption is easy, as you just need to visit the site, input your details, and upload photos of your receipts. 

Source: Friso Singapore FB page

The Friso products that qualify for this promotion include Frisomum, Friso Gold Cereal, and Friso Gold 2, 3, 4, but excludes infant formulas for those aged 0-6 months. This promotion runs from the 1st of September to 31st of October.

There will also be special Friso Experience play zones set up at two Sheng Siong outlets (at Woodlands 6A and Bedok 209), where your child can play! Friso ambassadors would be on-site during weekends, to help snap photos of you and your child at these zones. 


But wait... there's more! Friso Singapore has generously agreed to give away one slide, as well one tent, to two readers of this blog! To participate in this giveaway, please follow the instructions in the Rafflecopter widget below. For more information, please visit their website and their FB page. Don't forget to state in your FB comment if you would like to win the slide OR the tent, and share with us a favourite moment that you've shared with your child. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclaimer: We were sponsored a Friso playset for the purpose of this review. No monetary compensation was received, and all opinions are our own.

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