
Wednesday, November 6, 2013

A look at my... work table

Ok, so this round, we were supposed to share how our work tables looked. You know, those surfaces where you sorted your bills and did your work on, or even those that you sit down to when you reach the office.

For us, we have a lovely table in our study, but it currently isn't a work surface, since it looks like this:

Ok, it actually looks better than this now, but its still too cluttered for me to do any crafting or work on it. And right now, with what has been going on, I've not had any time to pack it (it would be a miracle if I get on top of my laundry mountain to begin with!).

So here's where we usually work everyday:

Our dining table. Which is huge (to accommodate our weekly Bible study group). It's where we have all our meals. Where the boys do their learning, drawing and doodling:

Unfortunately, #2 does not seem to understand what it means to keep his doodlings within the confines of the paper.

Its also where the hubs and I usually work on our laptops. And most days, it is a reflection of all the activity that is going on at home.

Deliveries get plonked on the far end of the table. So do books that are being read.
And toys that are being played with. And of course, you'll always need a thermometer at hand,
if you have a sick kid in the home.

I'm still hoping to clear the study table so that I can craft again, but that will take some time. Hopefully there'll be some progress before baby comes!

So how does your work or craft table look like? Snap a photo, blog about it and grab the button and link up! Or if you have Instagram, snap a photo of your table and add the hashtag "#alookatmy". And come back again on the 4th of Dec to share photos of one of the shelves you have in your home!

Mum in the Making

Linking up with:
  new button
My Little Drummer Boys


  1. Your home is beautiful! Even with the piles of 'life' :)

    1. I like how you term it "piles of life". :) And thanks!

  2. What a gorgeous work space you have, mine is very cluttered also and is what my WW post is about also!

    1. Thanks Emily! I guess every home has its clutter, since there's always people living in it!

  3. Our dining table is huge too , we use our laptops here too. My proper desk is as 'organised' as yours ;).

  4. What a beautiful room. Love the blackboard paint on the wall. I have been trying to find a space just for that in my home.

    1. Thanks! We just recently got that wall painted with blackboard paint. :)

  5. I have a big junk pile on my workspace also. But I normally just push aside papers and work around it. But it's starting to frustrate me. I really ought to get off the computer and do something about it...

    1. Its the same here! Am trying to find time to organize and declutter but its been too hard these days.

  6. I love the blackboard. did u customise a floor to ceiling one?


    1. Carol, thanks! Its actually a regular wall, which we got our painter to paint with blackboard paint when we painted our house recently!

  7. I think a lived-in space is much more inviting than a stark, designer one xx

    1. That's true to some extent! :) So long the mess doesn't overwhelm the space, which it sometimes does!

  8. J,

    Where did you get this posters? there are nice. :)


    1. Hi Diana,
      Thanks! Those were from the Copenhagen zoo, and we bought them on our visit there. I think they could be purchased online at : but I'm not sure if they ship to SG.
