
Monday, July 28, 2014

Weekend wanderings: The usual

We had one of those usual lovely ordinary weekends. The type that kicked off with the boys (and Mama) feeling really tired after a zoo trip. The kind of tiredness that keeps you asleep, even though your baby brother pounces on you. 

We had plenty of time for play. We met up with our cell group, and have a encouraging time of sharing and praying. We fellowshipped over lunch after church.

We fought meal-time battles with bento picks and prayers for patience.

We even got to do a little bit of home improvement and put up some pictures around the house, using all those removable velcro strips. You know, those type that require you to apply pressure on them for a really long time? Even the baby tried to help:

How was your weekend? I hope it was a lovely and blessed one too!


  1. I like that poster - where is it from? (And thos velcro tapes are the best thing ever!)

  2. Love the helpful baby! Droopy diapers to the rescue!
