
Sunday, August 17, 2014

Weekend wonderings: Thank you

We went for the Singapore Blog Awards ceremony yesterday. We were told it was going to be a derby theme, so me and a couple of other mum blogger friends turned up in our big hats. Hubby came along with me, and so did baby J, who gamely endured his Mama's attempts to dress him up as a horse. 

It was baby J's lunch time, so I was busy feeding him his oatmeal when they announced the results. Our blog won the "Best Family Blog" award! I was standing there, shocked, a thermos of oatmeal in my hand, my fingers sticky with oatmeal and clutching some rather gummy wet wipes. I wasn't sure if I'd heard correctly, since I'd just recovered from the flu and my hearing was still fuzzy. 

Hubby told me to "GO!", and all I could ask him was the silliest thing ever: Where do I put the oatmeal? (It was a standing event and there was no nearby table.) Anyway, he grabbed the thermos, and gave me a gentle push and I somehow made it to the stage.

Everything right now feels rather surreal, but oh, I do so want to say a big "Thank You!". To my husband, who has been the blog's most faithful reader, and my pillar of strength. To my kids, who give me so many reasons to write. To my parents and in-laws, who have been so supportive. To all my friends, who have been reading, and encouraging me and praying for me. To all my mum blogger friends, for all your warmth and friendships. To all you dear readers, who drop by, and always leave me heartened by your comments, emails, and presence. 

Thank you for voting for us, for sharing in this amazing journey we call parenthood, for just being there. And thank You, God, for all these opportunities, and for giving me so much to be thankful for. 

We give thanks. 

I hope you've been having a blessed weekend!


  1. Congrats!! : ) nobody can top that - 3 boys + homeschool + no domestic help!

  2. I know I've said this on so many different occasions, but CONGRATS again! You are an amazing mum and blogger, and you definitely deserved to have won. I'm always so inspired by your posts! I can't believe you made BabyJ's horse outfit, and on the eve of the ceremony too. Do you ever sleep? ;P

  3. Where do I put the oatmeal: classic!!!!!

    Such a deserving winner. So so happy for you, my friend!

  4. Hahaha! I can imagine u with the oatmeal in ur hands!

  5. To Adeline's question, I always joke that this lady here has clones of herself! Congrats once again and most deserving win Justina. Continue to inspire us with your parenting stories of love and grace. I'm so blessed to know such an amazing mama of three!

  6. Your blog has been an inspiration and song of hope to many, near and far. Through your posts, you've let God's mercies, grace and goodness shine clear...never taking any glory for yourself. So let this award affirm the great work you are doing, at motherhood, meals and making. Keep it up and sincere congrats Jus! :)

  7. I remember reading posts from your blog right after I had #1, when things were rather tough for me as a newly minted mum. It's definitely fair to say that your blog had inspired me to start on my blogging journey, and for that, I want to say thank you. Oh by the way, thankful tuesdays (grateful gatherings) was also the first linky I participated in! Congratulations Jus and keep those posts coming!

  8. awwwwww…. can feel it. Congrats once again!

  9. Love your blog and how genuine and helpful it has always been.

    Ladies, this woman has been a superwoman even before she became a mum so no surprises there!

    Warmest congrats on a well-deserved win! Big hugs!!

  10. Congratulations! So happy that you had won the award as your ideas on parenting had inspired so many of us. Love the outfit.

  11. Congratulation to u and ur family! ^^ May the Lord continue to bless ur family!

  12. Thank you everyone! I'm always encouraged by all your comments! I really thank God for you all. :) (Susan and Adeline: No clones! Just lots of helping hands around us.:)
