
Friday, October 24, 2014

Homeschool: A busy week

The week that has passed was a busy one, since Baby J was sick for a couple of days and there was lots to do for Lil J's party. Here's a glimpse at the play and learning the kids did this week:

Exploring flower parts.

Playing with natural materials in the nature corner.

Playdates: Junior J hosting a magic show with Tigger.

More playdates: The boys had lots of fun with the balloons leftover after the party.

We set up a light table (more on that soon), and the boys looked at 3D shapes. 

Phew! I know next week's going to be busy since the hubs is having a crazy time at work, but am just glad this week is almost done! How was your week?

1 comment:

  1. Our week was pretty good! It seemed like two mini-weeks cos of the break in the middle. I think I prefer that to long weekends, haha.
