
Friday, January 30, 2015

Our Week: All over the place

I will not say we are unschooling, but these days we don't really follow a set plan for the week. I guess its partly because I have not really been planning ahead (which I hope to do more of). I also think the boys seem to do better when things are a little fluid, which helps me to be more focused on working on heart issues, rather than being stressed about head issues. 

Anyway, everything is still being fine-tuned, and things will probably keep changing as we go along. So here's what we've been up to this week:

:: The boys have been playing with their flashlights. These days, they like to draw the curtains, and start exploring. They make shadows, they shine their lights into nook and crannies, they entertain their little brother. 

:: I've been trying to consciously include them more with regards to working in the kitchen. On most days, I'd rather be left alone to cook since its much faster. However, Lil J has been frequently wanting to help, so now I try to let him help out. This week, they made simple "pizza"with me. 

:: As usual, the boys love Skyping with their gramps in Malaysia. These days, Baby J has learnt how to climb up the chair, so all three of them would squeeze together to chat with their gramps. 

:: I've realized that Lil J's idea of art is pretty different from Junior J. The latter loves to draw and doodle, while Lil J has shown little interest in drawing. He's more interested in the mechanics of it all: how ink seeps into the paper, how much watercolours he can mix into his cup of water, how paint feels as he smears it about. He's quite the kinesthetic learner. So now we're trying to include more crafty bits aside from the usual marker/crayon/paint mix. They've been playing with pompoms and glue.

:: Junior J is into this fixing and building phase. He received a couple of small sets of Lego for his birthday, and has been spending part of his free time fixing them up!

:: The baby has been busy too. These days, he's keen to climb and explore everywhere, so I've been giving him more activities to keep his hands occupied. He's been on this crazy learning curve and has been picking up words everyday, like butterfly (buberbye), crocodile (uhohdile), and umbrella (ahbehla). He likes sticking magnets unto the fridge, capping and uncapping containers, and playing with pompoms. He makes quite a mess, but thankfully Junior J helps me to clean up. 

:: Lil J has been busy grabbing things from his baby brother to play. He's still fascinated with water, so I've been closing one eye, and letting him have some time to explore with measuring cylinders. I'm glad he's enjoying our craft sessions more, and hopefully I can think of some building activities that he could do next week!

It's been quite a busy week, and I'm looking forward to the weekend. Have a great one! :)

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