
Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Thankful Tuesday: 2014

2014 was a fruitful year. It was the year of learning to care for three little boys, something that I still am learning how to do better. It was the year of seeing all three of them grow, bit by little bit.

It was the year we "officially" started homeschooling (here are our reasons why we chose to do so). We started using our blackboard wall for lessons. We built, we explored, we learnt together as a family. We started attending co-ops with other homeschoolers. 

2014 was our year of discovery. The hubs and I made a trip to Australia with Baby J, and it was our first year travelling without the older two. For me, it was a year of learning more about why I blog, and further refining my voice over in this space. It was also a time of picking up new skills, and learning how to run an online shop

2014 was a year of surprises and blessings. It was a time of laughter and tears, of Junior J learning how to read, of walking alongside Lil J as he went through the terrible twos, of baby cuddles and kisses and time with family. It was having the privilege of winning the Singapore blog awards, and of making new friends. 

It had its fair share of challenges, but it was a blessed year. As we look back at 2014, I cannot help but notice how remarkably full our lives are now, and I am thankful. 

Mum in the Making

1 comment:

  1. May 2015 be just as fruitful and fulfilling for you on all fronts. Happy New Year!

    Ai @ Sakura Haruka
