
Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Thankful Tuesday: Going forward

It has been quite some week! I came down with some bug after our trip, and spent two days in bed. The chills and aches were so bad I couldn't walk, and I had to take Paracetamol in order to get out of bed, or even try to sleep. Thankfully the hubby managed to take leave to help out at home, and my dad also helped with the kids, so I managed to get some rest, and am now more or less recovered. Now it's time to play catch up, and I've been just trying to ease myself back into our usual routines and trying to get on top of the chores.

Anyway, this is old news, but we were awarded the "Top 10 Most Popular Blogs" award at the Singapore Blog Awards! It came as a surprise to me, since this blog doesn't boast a huge readership unlike some of the other blogs that were in the finals. But whatever the case, I just wanted to say thank you to all of you out there who voted for us. This is certainly an encouragement to me to keep writing and sharing about the things close to our hearts.

There's going to be major changes up ahead (I'll share in time to come!), so I'm going to take this month to focus on sorting out homeschool matters and our application for exemption, as well as continue our decluttering and organizing efforts at home. There will probably be less posts over here in August, since I really need time to sort things out at home, but you can still find more updates over on our Instagram and Facebook accounts. Meanwhile, I'm still thankful: for this season in life for sorting and slowing down, for times with my three little boys, for friends and family. Here's wishing everyone a blessed August ahead!

Mum in the Making

1 comment:

  1. Hi, first of all congratulations on winning that award. Outstanding! Regret you not well, hope now better.
    Try taking if not already...Chinese green tea. It'll help.
    I guess a mother's work is never done. Being a full time mother is one of the highest salaried jobs in any field, since the payment is love.

    And one day you will get a birthday card from your kids, 'My mom is a never ending song in my heart of comfort, happiness and being. I may sometimes forget the words, but I always remember the tune.
    You have a nice day and keep a song in your heart.
    Best regards,
    Lee (From Canada).
