:: All the mummies who worked so so hard to make cards and sell them. Some of them had never made cards before, and I was wow-ed by what they came up with. Some even roped in their kids to help! These were all busy mothers: some working full-time, some staying home, one even with 6 kids. All extremely busy, yet everyone worked hard and chipped in to help. Thank you so much for your heart and hard work! I'm also grateful for all the hubbies and family members who helped to babysit, so that all the mummies (me included) could focus on making the cards during our crop sessions. (And to my hubby, thank you so much for putting up with the mess, and helping me with cleaning up after each crop!)
:: The scrappers who contributed generously to our project. We started this project with the materials from one scrapper, and as others heard about this project, the materials started pouring in! Some even donated lovely hand-made cards. We'd like to thank Claudia, Dorcas, Huayi, Joanna, Lyn, Michelle, Rosalind as well as Yenni for all their kind donations.
:: Those who supported our project in one way or another. Some of you helped us to spread the word by sharing on social media, and some of you bought cards. I'm so thankful for all the support we've been given, which has been such an encouragement to us!
Looking back at this project, I admit I wasn't sure at the start if we would be able to meet the target. There was quite a bit of floundering when we first started off, since this was the first time we've ever tried running such a fund-raiser, and some of us were not experienced in making cards. But it has been such a journey: of learning, of being blessed by others, and of being able to help in our own little way, and I really want to say thank you. We couldn't have done it without all of you!

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