Born on earth a helpless babe,
Lying in a manger, wrapped.
Behold the child.
Bright rays from the star above,
Come to be light in darkness.
Behold the child.
Born to a world full of strife,
Born to die, that man might live.
Behold the child.
Born to a world, wrecked and torn,
By guns, by hate, and by sin.
I hold my child.
Is there hope? Will there be light?
How will these little ones live?
I hold my child.
We do not know their futures,
But love still holds, hope still lives.
Behold the child.
This was written in the wake of the recent Sydney siege. As I read the news reports, Junior J and I prayed for the people that were being held hostage. I held my children close. I wondered at what their future holds. I pondered if it was a terrible thing to bring them into a world that is so broken, so dangerous, so messed up. And I was reminded that in the hopelessness of our world, we have hope in Emmanuel, God with us. We give thanks that our times, and our children's times, are in His loving hands.

Yes, it's so crazy and depressing. :( I suppose the only light at the end of the tunnel is that those who know the Lord need not fear walking through the valley of shadows.