Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Thankful Tuesdays: Let us make music

We stayed in on Saturday since it rained heavily... and found out that making music together as a family helped to chase the rainy blues away.  We strummed, we banged, gave thanks in song...

... and are also thankful for:

:: The rains refreshing the air after a period of really hot weather...

... and safety through those same rains as we sloshed through the heavy downpour to get to church.  We had actually headed for Orchard Road after church on Sunday to get a birthday present for a little boy, and drove past the worst hit areas around Tanglin, not knowing that it had flooded badly...

:: Piles of fluffy towels drying in the hot sun this morning:

:: Evidence of little learning around the house, despite the general mess:

:: The morning cup of coffee, so needed to wake a sleepy mama's brain up for the day... and even better, two cups of coffee on the table that signal that the hubby is home safe after a call:

What are you thankful for this week? 


  1. ohhh Juju so cute on his drumkit! You play the flute?

    I'm thankful for scarves that keep the chill away,
    For a new song with each new day,
    I'm thankful for dear friends who pray,
    And thankful most for Jesus' love, always.


  2. I thank God for you :) I'm often inspired by your posts!

  3. Wow, the boy and his drums... so cool!! The drums look kinda small, are they kid's drums?

  4. Evergreen: Yup, I used to be in the school band last time... and wow, a thankful list of wonderful stuff, that rhymes!

    Corsage: Gee thanks! :) That was encouraging!

    Ruth: Yup, the drum set is kid-sized. The boy received it as a birthday present from a friend, and loves to drum!

  5. wonderful! You can play the flute!

  6. Karmeleon: It was fun being the band then... but now, really have no time to take the instrument out, assemble and play! ;)



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