Friday, October 19, 2012

Bento Boxes: Baby's bento and more

Carrot and beef soup, beef puree with tomato and broccoli,
wholegrain pasta, blackberries

Ok, so the baby started getting bentos too. It started off more because he wanted to self-feed himself bits of food. We found that letting him feed himself pasta was a lot neater when we separated the pasta from the "sauce" (the meat puree), and mess was a concern, since the boy has his jacket or various layers of long-sleeved shirts on! So that meant I couldn't put everything in the thermos and mix it up, and this lunch box was perfect to hold everything (including some soup!).

Well, Junior J saw his brother's "bento", and I think he was rather sad that he didn't have one (even though those bentos didn't seem to be helping his appetite recently). So I tried, but I found it quite challenging to make two different meals and get out of the door on time:

Now I've resorted to packing an extra snack box for Junior J instead of the normal bento. He gets a "bento" with some extra nibbles AND gets to eat our yummy food when we dine out, so its win-win for now:

Raspberries are his favourite fruit.
And the piggy contains sunflower seeds and dried cranberries.
I squashed in a note in the piggy, since I've been telling stories about Snufflelump,
a lion with a green mane, who was running about stealing milk.
He would have been upset if he found a villainous critter in his box!

I think meal preparation would get easier when baby J starts eating the same meals as his brother (he turns one this weekend!). But I'm still not wanting him to grow up that fast yet!

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  1. That's amazing, MamaJ! Can you keep posting your bentos so that I can just copy them? :D

    How do you keep them from spilling over though?

    1. Adora: Lol! Yes I'll post if I manage to make more! The nice thing about the box I use for baby, the small compartments come with leakproof lids. So everything is kept separate, but we do hold the box upright to prevent the pasta from tumbling about. Its the Phillips Avent lunchbox, comes with a spoon compartment in the lid plus one of those suction things to stick the box down! For Junior J's, I just pack the food tightly & it doesn't tumble. ;)

  2. I will have to learn how to prepare bento when DinoEgg goes to P1 next year. So please post some more ideas as Adora says =)

  3. Dinomama: Jen, wow P1! Time flies! Sure, you can get more ideas from the older posts, there's the "bento" section in the tabs above. ;)



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