Monday, June 4, 2012

Weekend wanderings: First haircut

Baby J's hair was getting really long and messy (and many people were mistaking him for a girl), so we gave him a haircut over the weekend.  He went from this:

to this:

This was a product of both the hubby and my efforts.  The hubby didn't want it too short but ended up cutting a chunk of fringe off (just like the first time we cut Junior J's hair when he was a baby), so I lopped off more hair to even it out.  The boy was a little puzzled at why his Papa and Mama kept passing him back and forth and pulling at his hair... but I think we are getting a little better at it after all that practice with Junior J!

Haircut aside, it has been a cold, rainy weekend.  The highlight for the hubs was probably trying out the Chinese buffet at Jade Palast, while for me it was getting out alone for an hour (the first time since we moved here!) while the hubs took an afternonoon nap with the kids!  Hope you had a blessed weekend!


  1. Heh, I for one would have mistaken Baby J for a girl too :P we've had our share of bad haircuts for Soohie. Thankfully she's too young to make a fuss out of it. But I ft really bad and have improved on my skills ever since :)

    1. Susan: Sophie's hair looks great! Haha that is what I tell myself, they are to young to bother!

  2. We shaved off my girl's hair when she was 2 months old following tradition. But the first time we gave her a proper haircut at the salon was around 8 months I think but she hated it. So I ended up cutting it for her (I once took 4 lessons on basic hair dressing so that helped) and everyone is commenting how nice her hair looks so that's what I will be doing until she is much older I guess. Why waste money at the salon? Haha

    1. Madeline: Wow you took lessons! We couldn't bear to do the shaving thing!



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